Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 18: Diodes and Transistors

One Transistor Amplifier
Using the given drawing we recreated this on the bread board shown below. 

The above pictured set up was used to create an amplifier that amplified a 3 kHz wave/frequency at 0.3 V with a 2N3904 transistor.  

The final result was an amplification of about 100 times the original. The two waves on the screen show the wave being emitted by the function generator and the amplification of the breadboard circuit. The original voltage was about 0.3 V and our new voltage was now roughly 20-30 V.  

Amplifier with Gain = 20 (Minimum Parts) 

Using this drawing from the National Semiconductor/TI Guide we created another amplifier using a LM386 audio amplifier. 

After viewing the diagram we came up with the following set-up that actually did produce sound on a speaker when played back. There was static, but you could clearly hear the music playing. 

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